Sunday, July 26, 2020

Julius Thompson Podcast!

Julius Thompson Podcast!: In a very, very relaxed atmosphere this afternoon, I spent an hour in an “ informal” conversation/interview with author Charles Baker in a podcast about creative writing, my career as an author, creative writing instructor at Evening at Emory University, publishing and marketing strategies in today’s internet marketplace. Tune in and pickup information that can help your writing career:

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Republican Senator Kelly Lynn Loeffler Ignored my Request for an Answer!

Republican Senator Kelly Lynn Loeffler Ignored my Request for an Answer!: Republican Senator Kelly Lynn Loeffler does not represent “ALL” Georgia residents! She does not answer her constituents’ email. I have tried contacting her and only received a SOUND OF SILENCE.
I tried contacting her via email: Why she should support the George Floyd Bill. As close as I can come hearing from the senator is on a campaign ad smiling in the face of police officers.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Author Julius Thompson on Instagram Live!

Author Julius Thompson on Instagram Live!: Author Julius Thompson will be a part of the Georgia Writers Association presents a Q & A with Georgia Writers on Instagram Live. Mr. Thompson’s Instagram Live session is at 2:00 pm on August 21, 2020. Please click for more details:

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Julius E. Thompson: Former Creative Writing Instructor at Evening at Emory 06/21 by Gary McCants | Spirituality

Julius E. Thompson: Former Creative Writing Instructor at Evening at Emory 06/21 by Gary McCants | Spirituality: (Company Website) Julius Thompson grew up in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, New York and attended Bushwick High School. The sixties in Brooklyn was an era that had a personality, a feel, and a life-force that changed a generation. Mr. Thompson felt this energy and experienced these fires of social change. After high school, Mr. Thompson spent the next four years riding the 'A' train to Harlem, in upper Manhattan, to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree from the City College of New York. At CCNY, literature instructors like Professor Thomas Tashiro, fueled the fire in him to become a writer. Join we walk along with Author Julius E. he takes us on his 'Historical' sojourn of 'Writing' on Fathers Day!